Parallelizing Code in R


The basic idea of parallelization is the running of computational tasks simultaneously, as opposed to sequentially (or “in parallel” as opposed to “in sequence”). To do this, the computer needs to be able to split code into pieces that can run independently and then be joined back together as if they had been run sequentially. The parts of the computer that run the pieces of code are processing units and are typically called “cores”.

The doParallel package is (as far as I’m currently aware) the most platform-general and robust parallel package available in R. There is more functionality for Unix-alikes in the parallel package (see link below), but that doesn’t transfer to Windows machines.


Cores and Clusters

At the outset, it’s important to know how many cores you have available, which the detectCores() function returns. However, the value returned includes “hyperthreaded cores” (aka “logical cores”), which include further computational divvyings of the physical cores.


detectCores(logical = FALSE)

Although hyperthreaded cores are available, they often do not show speed gains in R. However, as with everything parallel in R, it’s best to actually test that on the problem you’re working on, as there will be gains in certain situations.

At the user-interface level, we only interact at a single point, yet the code needs to access multiple cores at once. To achieve this, we have the concept of a “cluster”, which represents a parallel set of copies of R running across multiple cores (including across physical sockets). We create a cluster using the makeCluster function and register the backend using the registerDoParallel function:

ncores <- detectCores(logical = FALSE)

cl <- makeCluster(floor(0.75 * ncores))


Here, I’ve stopped the cluster explicitly using stopCluster, which frees up the computational resources. The cluster will be automatically stopped when you end your R instance, but it’s a good habitat to be in to stop any clusters you make (even if you don’t register the backend).

foreach and %dopar%

Parallelization in doParallel happens via the combination of the foreach and %dopar% operators in a fashion similar to for loops. Rather than for(variable in values) {expression}, we have foreach(variable = values, options) %dopar% {expression}. Thus, the basic code block of a foreach parallel loop is

cl <- makeCluster(floor(0.75 * ncores))
foreach(variable = values, options) %dopar% {

Note that there can be multiple variable arguments (e.g., foreach(i = 1:10, j = 11:20) %dopar% {}), although no variables are recycled, so the smallest number of values across variables is used.

Each of the instances of a foreach is referred to as a “task” (a key word, especially in terms of error checking, see link below).

An important distinction between foreach and for is that foreach returns a value (by default, a list), whereas for causes side effects. Compare the following:

cl <- makeCluster(floor(0.75 * ncores))
out <- foreach(i = 1:10) %dopar% {
  i + rnorm(1, i, i)


out <- vector("list", 10)
for(i in 1:10){
  out[[i]] <- i + rnorm(1, i, i)

foreach creates out; for modifies it.

There are a handful of option arguments in foreach that are really critical for anything beyond trivial computation:

  • .packages passes the libraries down to the cluster of Rs. If you don’t include package names and you use a package-derived function, it won’t work
  • .combine dictates how the output is combined, defaulting to a list, but allowing lots of flexibility including mathematical operations. If needed, the .init option allows you to initialize the value (for example with 0 or 1).
  • .inorder sets whether the combination happens based on the order of inputs. If the order isn’t important, setting this to FALSE can give performance gains.
  • .errorhandling determines what happens when a task fails (see link below for using tryCatch within tasks).

In addition to %dopar%, there is a sequential operator for use with foreach, and it is simply %do%. Replacing %dopar% with %do% will cause the code to run in-order, as if you did not initiate a cluster. Similarly, you can run foreach and %dopar% without having made a cluster, but the code will be run sequentially.

Nesting foreach loops

Nested loops can often be really powerful for computation. doParallel has a special operator that combines two foreach objects in a nested manner: %:%. This operator causes the outer most foreach to be evaluated over its variables’ values, which are then passed down into the next innermost foreach. That foreach iterates over its variables’ values for each value of the outer foreach variables.

cl <- makeCluster(floor(0.75 * ncores))
out <- foreach(i = 1:10) %:%
         foreach(j = 1:100) %dopar% {
          i * j^3

The .combine option is really important to pay attention to with nested foreach loops, as it will allow you to flexibly structure the data. The above version produces a list (length 10) of lists (length 100).

Seeds and RNGs

One of the downfalls of foreach and %dopar% is that the parallel runs aren’t reproducible in a simple way. There are ways to code seed setting up, but it’s a little obtuse. Thankfully, the doRNG package has you taken care of. There are a few ways to code up a reproducible parallel loop.

cl <- makeCluster(floor(0.75 * ncores))

# 1. .options.RNG

out1 <- foreach(i = 1:10, .options.RNG = 1234) %dorng% {
  rnorm(1, i, i^2)

# 2. set.seed

out2 <- foreach(i = 1:10) %dorng% {
  rnorm(1, i, i^2)

# 3. registerDoRNG (note that this doesn't replace the registerDoParallel!)

out3 <- foreach(i = 1:10) %dorng% {
  rnorm(1, i, i^2)


identical(out1, out2)
identical(out1, out3)

Speed Gains

The degree to which your code speeds up when you parallelize it depends on a few factors: how many cores you have, whether the code can take advantage of hyperthreading, the run time of the code itself, and your ease of coding in parallel. There is definitely some computational and time overhead involved in setting up a cluster, distributing the work, and combining the results. Short tasks (seconds to a half-minute), therefore, are usually faster to run in sequence. Once tasks start creeping up to the half-minute mark on a dual-core machine (or the less time on a more-core machine), the parallel runs will start to be faster. As the runtime of the computation increases, the relative gain by parallelizing increases, although it never gets to a fully fractional decrease of time (i.e., 6 cores won’t ever get you to 1/6 the runtime…probably more like 1/4 - 1/5) due to overhead. The other thing to keep in mind with parallelization is that there is often some additional coding time involved, and there can be issues that require an additional level of troubleshooting that quickly eliminates the time gains.

See references below for speed tests.

